whale at sunset


By booking this workshop you collaborate with the No’Oiye Association of the QOM people. Helping the environmental and cultural conservation and development of the community.


Wildlife, Landscape, Nature


5 to 8 October 2023




Min 6 - Max 9

The Extraordinary Marine Life of the Argentine coast

The Chubut area is one of the most outstanding destinations of the Patagonian coast. The waters around, are home to an abundance of marine life: whales, dolphins, sea lions, elephant seals, and much more..

Accompanied by the Lead Photographer, you will be able to know the behaviors of the Patagonian fauna and discover hidden places in the area, realizing breathtaking images.  

In search of the great whales, but not only: you’ll have opportunities to photograph many other animals as well, including the beautiful Chilean Flamingo. You’ll find yourself in the right places during the best daylight moments.

foggy morning in chubut
killer whales orcas in chubut
elefante marino en punta ninfas



To book flights, please consult schedules! We suggest flights arriving in Puerto Madryn or Trelew before 12 noon and returning after 10 am.

For flights out of this time range, we cannot be responsible for missed services. The suggested schedule is indicative, it is always preferable to check the schedule with us before booking flights.

Once arrived in Puerto Madryn we will meet with the group in the hotel (the transfer to and from the airport to the hotel is not included). After settling in, the Lead Photographer will give an introductory speech to the workshop. In the afternoon, we will spot sea lions at Punta Loma and enjoy a beautiful sunset view from Cerro Avanzado.

We will dedicate the whole day to discover and photograph the extraordinary fauna and landscape of the peninsula. Visiting the protected area of San Pablo de Valdés, Caleta Valdés and Puerto Pirámides. Whale watching at sunset. The last outing of the day with the sun coloring the cliffs will amaze you!

Early in the morning we will leave for Punta Ninfas, where we will be able to see elephant seals, whales, birds and other terrestrial fauna. Around 11 am we will go to Doradillo Beach, with a brief stop for lunch. We will arrive at Doradillo at high tide, which will allow us to photograph whales from the shore.

After breakfast we will say goodbye until the next adventure!

5 - 8 OCTOBER 2023

To book flights, please consult schedules! We suggest flights arriving in Puerto Madryn or Trelew before 12 noon and returning after 10 am.

For flights out of this time range, we cannot be responsible for missed services. The suggested schedule is indicative, it is always preferable to check the schedule with us before booking flights.

Once arrived in Puerto Madryn we will meet with the group in the hotel (the transfer to and from the airport to the hotel is not included). After settling in, the Lead Photographer will give an introductory speech to the workshop. In the afternoon, we will spot sea lions at Punta Loma and enjoy a beautiful sunset view from Cerro Avanzado / Option 2: Whale Watching from the Doradillo Beach (if conditions allows)

We will dedicate the whole day to discover and photograph the extraordinary fauna and landscape of the peninsula. Morning visit to the Puerto Pirámides Sea Lion’s Colony, with lunch at the Caleta Valdés. Whale Watching in a shared boat in the afternoon.

During the third day of the workshop we will explore Punta Tombo and the beach of Isla Escondida.

The Punta Tombo Protected Area is known worldwide for having the largest continental colony of Magellanic Penguins, with almost half a million individuals. These birds choose this site to nest and raise their babies and then return to the sea until next year.

On the beach of Isla Escondida we will have the opportunity to see and photograph Elephant Seals, which form reproductive groups in the area. In October we may even see some very small pups.

We will also have the opportunity to see terrestrial fauna, such as Maras, Guanacos, Foxes, Choiques and several species of seabirds.

After breakfast we will say goodbye until the next adventure!

What's included?

What's not!


Please note that these are only suggestions given by our experience. It is not necessary to have all the equipment reported, everyone prepares for the journey according to their needs.

For example, some people may only want to take pictures with a smartphone while others will want to take a drone with them. But it is our duty to guide you to a better choice.

Although you can participate with any type of photographic device, we recommend a reflex or mirrorless camera, which allow much more freedom and creativity.

Considering the wide variety of photographic situations this workshop presents, it is advisable to have available focal lengths ranging from wide-angle (shorter distances) to telephoto (longer distances).

For those who like to photograph landscapes, a 17-40mm zoom lens or similar might work well.

For boat trips, a 70-200 mm, 100-400 mm zoom or similar would be ideal.

For terrestrial wildlife, a 300mm or longer telephoto lens is the best choice.

Consider also buying a tele converter to increase the focal length of the lens: 1.4x or 2x. Even if with loss of luminosity.

Finally, choosing the right set of lenses is not easy. If you encounter difficulties and need some suggestions do not hesitate to contact us.

The most important feature of a tripod is its stability. Since every journey includes some trekking, we must also take into account the weight.

We suggest a good carbon tripod that maintains a good balance between weight and stability, that can easily change from one height to another and that locks in little space.

Aluminum is also fine, as carbon is generally much more expensive. We know that choosing a tripod is not easy and we are available to help you choose the right model for you.

A Polarizing filter will be very useful on boat trips to neutralize water reflections.

For those who love Landscape Photography, ND filters with 6 or 8 steps will be also very useful.

It is recommended to carry UV or Skylight filters, useful to protect the lenses from dust and splashes.

Finding the right photo backpack can be a difficult challenge. We recommend you to rely on a brand with quality and experience in the market.

The type of backpack clearly depends on your equipment. But what really matters is that you feel comfortable with it and possibly fitted with a rain cover.

You can’t miss in your backpack: a cleaning kit for the lenses, a remote control to shoot without touching the camera, hood for the lenses (to avoid flare) and a robust / comfortable camera strap.

It is also important to take spare batteries and memory cards with you.

If you are interested in POST-PRODUCTION we suggest bringing your laptop with some editing software already installed. The Lead Photographer, at the end of the day, will answer your questions.


Observable species depend on the period of travel (read the next question for more information).

The Valdés Peninsula is a unique conservation area, home to an abundant marine life, terrestrial mammals, and birds.

Among them: the Southern Right Whale (Eubalaena australis), the Killer Whale (Orcinus orca), the Dusky Dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obscurus), the Commerson’s Dolphin (Cephalorhynchus commersonii), the Southern Elephant Seal (Mirounga leonina), the South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens), the Guanaco (Lama guanicoe), the Patagonian Mara (Dolichotis Patagonum), the South American Gray Fox (Lycalopex griseus), the Big Hairy Armadillo (Cheatophractus villosus), the Darwin’s Rhea (Rhea Pennata), the Rock Shag (Phalacrocorax magellanicus), the Imperial Shag (Phalacrocorax atriceps), the Southern Giant Petrel (Macronectes giganteus), the Magellanic Penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus), etc.

In August the weather is usually colder than in October, although, in general, less windy.

In winter the activity and visibility of wildlife is lower than in spring and summer.

Some species are not present at all or their sightings are very occasional. This is the case of Magellanic Penguins and Elephant Seals, for example.

The greatest advantage of opting for the winter date is that generally there are more whales and calves are born mostly between July and August, so it is the best time for sightings from the coast since the females with their calves remain very close to the beach.

It is also possible to visit other places on the Peninsula or near Puerto Madryn, which will not be visited during the spring trip.

In October the activity of many species increases and Penguins and Elephant Seals arrive to our coasts to reproduce.

The density of whales continues to be good, especially in whale watching from a boat.

We recommend wearing heavy clothing and a waterproof or windbreaker jacket.

Hat, neck cover, gloves and sunglasses.

Sturdy, comfortable footwear (hiking type) for walking.

Comfortable and robust backpack to carry your gear and protect it from dust, water and bumps.


The round trip between your city of origin and Puerto Madryn is not included in the price.

However, we can coordinate it with the Tour Operator.

No, the transfer to and from the airport to the hotel is not included.

However, we can coordinate it with the Tour Operator.

Join this Adventure!

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